I want to expand your thinking about allergies and allow you to take a new look at allergy / sensitivities related problems and sensitivities. First, let’s define an allergy / sensitivity. It’s much more than just a symptomatic reaction such as hives, swelling, running nose, sneezing, or watery eyes. An allergy / sensitivity is anything that weakens the energy system of the body which can potentially affect any function of the body. Allergies / sensitivities can produce so many different symptoms that they frequently fool doctors. The doctor may properly diagnose the end result, but completely overlook the fact that an allergy / sensitivity started the problem. Giving medication can effectively suppress or alter the effects of an allergy / sensitivity even if the doctor doesn’t realize it is an allergy / sensitivity, but this does not correct the cause and may cause side effects.

You can have an allergy / sensitivity to anything under the sun including the sun. Have you heard of hives from sun poisoning? You can have an allergy / sensitivity to people. I have seen women not be able to get pregnant because of an allergy / sensitivity to their husband’s sperm. You could have an allergy / sensitivities to yourself if your body is producing too much of something or not enough antihistamines. Have you heard of autoimmune disorders? This is where the body seems to fight and destroy itself.

An allergy / sensitivity may be a temporary one-time event to something that you have never reacted to before. Allergies / sensitivities may also last a lifetime if not corrected. Reactions could come on suddenly or develop gradually. They may affect the whole body or just affect one local organ or area.

Symptoms can range from no noticeable symptom to death. Common symptoms are weight gain, tiredness, depression, migraine headaches, colitis, arthritis, asthma, sinusitis, ear aches, frequent infections, insomnia, and aching bones. I hate to mention these because people tend to limit their thinking to just this list. It can be anything!

Many things can weaken our immune system and cause allergies. In fact, allergies can weaken the immune system itself. Chiropractic corrects subluxations which interfere with the nervous system which controls the functions of the body. Chiropractic helps restore resistance and function and often will eliminate allergies. Prescription medicine is a very common allergy / sensitivity. Have your medicine and self-prescribed supplements checked. Emotional trauma can cause an allergy / sensitivity. I have seen people receive news of a severe emotional trauma while they were eating a certain food and the emotional trauma to the nervous system gets stuck as an allergy / sensitivity to what they were eating when they heard the news.

One allergen may cause a reaction in a key organ such as the liver, which causes liver malfunction which can trigger many other allergies. Sometimes fixing one allergy / sensitivity, even though it may not cause symptoms will allow the body to heal and correct many other symptomatic allergies indirectly.

Sometimes combining things, which are not allergies by themselves, may cause a reaction if combined. Eating or exposing one self to something too long or frequently can cause an allergy / sensitivity. An allergy / sensitivity from just one exposure can cause symptoms which can alter biochemistry for a long time thereafter even if you are staying

away from the allergen. Some allergies may only show up when we are run down or at only certain times of the month for women.

Finding an Allergy / Sensitivity

Current medical tests such as scratch tests and blood tests are inconsistent, expensive, and not accurate. The only test that I have found to be accurate is to “ask the body” by muscle testing. If you hold a substance and a strong muscle weakens, it is an allergy / sensitivity. Testing can also be done to grade the severity regardless of the symptoms. Healing can not be forced upon the body. If the patient’s body is not able to correct the allergy / sensitivity at the time or it is not a priority, then it may not show with this testing until the body is able to receive correction.


Correction of allergies can be accomplished many ways. If there is an emotional cause then healing the emotions will solve the allergy / sensitivity. Homeopathic supplements can be given to counter the allergen. Chiropractic adjustments are given while the patient holds the substance in a glass bottle. Acupuncture points can be treated with microcurrent as the patient holds the substance.

We have many vials of allergens in our office that we can test on you by using muscle testing. However, sometimes it is best to test your personal environment. For example, get a handful of dirt from you vacuum sweeper, put it in a zip-lock bag and bring it in to be tested. Place 2 tablespoons of each food you eat for one week in separate zip- lock bags for each food. Place liquids in clean glass jars. Personal items such as fabric softener, perfumes, make-up, toothpaste, deodorants, etc., can be tested. Distilled water placed in a pan and left outside for a day or two can be tested to see if you have an allergy / sensitivities / to pollutions, toxins, and germs in the air or environment. Also include any medications and supplements. In the case of autoimmune problems, we can test the patient’s waste such as mucous, urine, blood, etc.

It is good to try to avoid the allergen, even after corrected, until the body heals. However, this may be impossible. Once the symptoms are gone and the testing shows the correction in staying fixed, then you can resume the eating or contact in small amounts to see what happens. Do not try extreme allergy items unless a doctor is present and a medically prescribed epipen is available.