Whole Body Vibration therapy is a way of enhancing the benefit of your chiropractic care. It is a safe and effective way to improve balance & posture, prevent falls, and increase bone density without using drugs. It can also speed the healing Of sprains, strains, fractures, and other injuries.

How does WBVT work?

There are 3 ways – increased gravity, rhythmic movement, and muscle reflexes. When you stand on a vibrating platform, your core postural muscles have to make multiple, rapid adjustments, as many as 50 time per second to adapt to the stimuli and balance accordingly. This has the overall effect of speeding up blood & lymph circulation thus providing a boost to the immune system as well as helping to flush out any inflammation. The rate at which the brain & muscles in the body have to communicate with each other is also greatly sped up and that has the effect of improving balance & posture.

Vibration therapy has also been shown to:

  • Reduce pain & inflammation
  • Help joint strength & flexibility
  • Decrease stress & increase energy levels
  • Aid in detoxification & removal of wastes from the body

The amplitude of a vibrating platform is very important. There are safe levels for vibration exposure. The Vibe was developed in accordance with the current standards for vibration safety from OSHA & ISO.

WBV is a safe and drugless way to improve your general well being and quality of life.