Rona is just my term for current corona virus. The following is my strong opinion based on over 100 hours of research from all sides. I have found that most of the truth is being censored and taken off the internet really quickly by people who have an agenda of profit and control by keeping us in fear.  The Bible says that “God has not given us a spirit of fear”. (2 Timothy 1:7) We need to stop the non-sense and get back to normal.  Look at Sweden. They did not wear mask, social distance, or shut down businesses and they had a very low death rate because they chose to cooperate with nature. What we are doing now is dangerous to our health, is upsetting our economy, and causing extreme social stress which will lead to poor health far worse than any virus. Suicide has skyrocketed and has killed more than Covid. It is being used as a political manipulation as well as a global attempt to control the population for a one world government, forced vaccinations, population control, and financial gain for the elite in control. The corona viruses have been around for a long time. The common cold is a type of coronavirus, and there has never been a medical “cure” for it except to build your health with common sense natural heath care.

The current “Rona” was an attempt to put several viruses into a blend in a germ warfare plant in China that was partially funded by the Obama administration to the tune of 3.5 million dollars.  Whether leaked intentionally or by accident, we don’t know, but the Chinese communist were neglect in not warning us. Is it a pandemic or a Plandemic? Who is really behind all of it? Could it be globalist, rich elite, dark political forces, or others looking for power and control?

Everyone will eventually be exposed to it to some degree. Some will be exposed to a very weak exposure and some more of a concentrated exposure. Whether you get symptoms from any germ depends on the strength of the invader, the exposure amount, and more importantly the health, resistance, and adaptability of the individual. You cannot avoid it. People over 80 with comorbidities such as being overweight, diabetes, etc. that do not exercise, do not eat properly, and are on many prescription drugs are more at risk. Some who get sick without proper care can develop “Long Hauler” symptoms in various parts of the body that may last for months or a lifetime. Children have virtually no risk and are not carriers. In fact, non-symptomatic people are not carriers. As we share viruses by being exposed to others in a mild way, our neuro-immune system is being updated with information to prepare for what is going around, so viruses are actually helping up to upgrade our innate programming to function at a higher level. Viruses are not something we need to fight, but rather to harmonize with them. This is one way how homeopathic remedies work.

Our world is full of germs. Most do not cause human disease and most are very helpful to life on earth. Life cannot exist without microorganisms. Remember that God created everything. You have in your body all the germs you have ever been exposed to, but your powerful immune systems under the control of the nervous system keeps them in check. We can never sterilize our body or the world around us, nor should we. The average person has about 2,000 germs (probiotics) in our GI tract which actually accounts for at least 70% of our immune system. Even some parasites and other so called bad germs are in that mix and we need them but they have to stay in a healthy balance. We need these probiotics! In fact, there are more of them in our bodies than all the cells in our body. They outnumber us 10:1. They make many beneficial things for our own cells. The number of viruses in the world is 10 to the power of 30 which means the number is 10 with 30 zeros after it, and we all have about half that amount of viruses throughout our body.  I have no idea what mathematicians would call that number.  Do you really think we can have a test for all of them and have a vaccine for all of them? Do not be germ or virus phobic.

Some authorities say that DNA shedding of viruses from the body is just an attempt to help us detoxify from other harmful frequencies and toxins. Just like flies do not cause garbage and mosquitos do not cause swamps. Clean up the terrain of the body and no germ can overcome it. It all depends upon the soil (your body) as to how something will grow either good or bad. Exposure to a virus builds immunity. It is like a natural vaccination which is far better, safer, and longer lasting than man made vaccinations. Each time your nervous system and immune system fights something off your defense system gets stronger and better prepared for the next attack. It remembers and is better prepared for the next time. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Remember that this current Rona has a 99.7% recovery without doctors.  Do you think that funeral homes are seeing more deaths?  No they are not, so how can it be called a pandemic. It is fake medical news and they are very aggressive at quickly taking down the truth.

Most people will not even know they have been exposed because their immune system and nervous system is so strong. Most will have no symptoms and some just mild symptoms. Children especially are able to fight this off and are not carriers. A strong immune system can fight this easily. Older people and people with previous health conditions are always more prone to whatever is going around. 99.7% recover. I am one. Praise God!

Viruses are not really alive. They are DNA without a cell wall. They are not active very long without a host and can be easily destroyed with many natural nontoxic household cleaners. When they penetrate your cells, they take over your cells and can potentially cause damage if your immune system cannot expel them.

Viruses and other germs can mutate or morph quickly. So far they have found over 240 mutations of Covid 19. In fact, no one has isolated the specific Covid 19 virus, so they really have no idea what is causing the symptoms, and if they cannot isolate it, then they cannot have a valid test for it nor can they have a vaccine that is specific for it. A vaccine can only be produced against one virus and they hope that is enough to wake the immune system up against the others. That is a fallacy. No effective vaccine against a corona virus has ever been made. I always see more sickness every year when all the pharmacies start advertising flu shots. I welcome challenges to that statement. Avoid all vaccines at all costs. Have you ever seen all the toxic things that are in a vaccine including heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, chemicals, and aborted fetal tissue? This new unproved experimental vaccine released for “emergency reasons” is a genetic modifier unlike previous vaccinations. Never in history has a successful coronavirus vaccine been made nor have we ever had a genetic modifier. It takes years to get them approved, but this year it has been pushed through as an emergency without FDA approval or proper safety test. It can potentially make genetic changes in your body which can never be reversed. Long term effects are unknown because it has never been tested properly. Many odd symptoms in any part of the body could show up and doctors will be helpless due to autoimmune reactions. 4% have severe initial reactions including death. That is only the severe initial reactions. Many will have less severe immediate reaction, but develop problems in the long run. Most reactions are never reported to the doctor and many doctors never report them to authorities. Even if it helps the body to produce antibodies initially, future exposure to something similar to what they vaccinated for can cause the immune system to over react and cause a cytokine storm which is very miserable and is what puts people in the hospital where do not know what to do because of fake medical advice from higher authorities. Up to ten percent of those getting this vaccine could end up dying during the flu season next year because of a hyper immune system reaction called a cytokine storm which will make people panic much more than during this first round because there will actually be more deaths. This is called pathogenic priming.  The vaccinations are far worse than previous because they are attempting genetic alterations and possibly be able to add human tracing and monitoring. Laws have been passed so that you cannot sue the drug companies who made the vaccines or the doctors and nurses who give the shots. Even if a loved one dies on the spot you cannot sue. Yes there are special government vaccine courts, but it will take many years to be heard at your expense in front of 3 judges controlled by the drug companies. You have the right to file and lose, and your lawyer can not be present. So vaccine companies, funded by the government, can make millions without risk or going through proper safety steps and the media and government is advertising for them and trying to force people to get their product. The Supreme Court has ruled that “Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe”. Authorities admit that the vaccine will not prevent you from getting the virus or spreading it to others. They do not know how long benefits, if any, will last, nor can it protect against mutant or morphed strains. This is not like past vaccines. It can alter genetics permanently and can cause many autoimmune symptoms in various parts of the body including possible sterilization of the reproductive organs. Half of doctors surveyed say they will not take the vaccine and many are not aware of what I am telling you.

The United States has ranked around 40th of all the industrialized nations in health for many years. Iatrogenic diseases, which means caused by doctors’ mistakes, is the third cause of death behind heart disease and cancer, and that is just what they admit to in their medical journals.  Many doctor mistakes are not recognized for what they are or are covered up and not reported. The way they are responding to this plandemic (notice the play on words) will easily make doctors the number one cause of death in the USA. (Note: They are great at emergency room crisis care and some prescriptions may be helpful for a short period of time.)

Louis Pasteur is the father of the germ theory that states that germs cause disease. He had a friend that had a long standing disagreement with him. His friend said the germs are associated with disease, but are not the cause. He said you have to have a toxic or malfunctioning body first. Germs just are opportunists looking for something weak to attack. An example of that is body decay in the grave. Pasteur, on his death bed, admitted that his friend was correct, but the medical profession has run with the false premise of Pasteur ever since. The germ theory does not even follow the scientifically accepted theory of Koch’s postulates that are used to see if germs are the cause of disease. Germs do not cause dis-ease, dis-ease invites germs. Being infected does not mean you have the disease. For example, Magic Johnson is infected with HIV but did not get AIDS which is the disease.

Masks are worthless and dangerous. I have seen very, very few people wearing the most sophisticated N95 mask. The Rona as well as other viruses are much smaller than the openings in a non-defective N95 and can waltz right through and around the sides of the mask. It can only stop large pieces of phlegm if you cough or sneeze something that you can see. Surgeons use masks to stop large particle from a cough or sneeze to get on unprotected open wounds. They would have to use a full haze mat or space suit to stop germs to and from patients. Masks, especially the best N95, can cause hypercapnia, which is an increase in intake of carbon dioxide and a decrease in oxygen which can be measured by OSHA approved devices. That is not good for your brain which controls your whole body including your immune system. Children especially need oxygen for their young brains to develop and learn. Hypercapnia can cause symptoms of headache, fatigue, dizziness, light headed feeling, weakness, and nausea. Mask wearing causes one to rebreathe the germs or viruses that the body is trying to expel. Humidity can build up which helps molds and fungus to grow unseen in the mask. Some masks have been sprayed with Teflon or have toxins in the cotton from China. I have a nurse in my practice that has to wear a mask for work and was getting odd symptoms. She solved that my getting a less toxic mask.  People with mask touch the mask often further contaminating it. I can supply you with a list of ten reasons why you should not use a mask. Watch the Horowitz report on called “exposing the maskerade”.  Even OSHA has said the masks do not work. Wearing masks are a constant reminder that “something is out to get us” which puts is in a fear mode which increased cortisol and lowers our white blood cells that are needed to fight infection. Rebel like I do and stop wearing masks!

Hand sanitizers do not work, but of course it is good to wash your hands in regular soap that is not antibacterial. Over 40 hand sanitizers have been recalled because they have been found to be toxic. They also kill the friendly probiotics on the skin that help fight germs. Also, they dry out the skin for some people which cause cracks in the skin which makes one very susceptible to germ penetration past the God given natural barrier. Make sure your household cleaners as well as school cleaners are free of quaternary ammonium compounds which can cause birth defects and infertility problems. Look up the various names of ingredients that may be this chemical.

The faster more people are exposed to the virus, the faster the human race can get it over and be done with it. Look at the overall deaths in a year and you will see that we have not had more deaths than previous years. In fact, 2018 was a little higher. It is interesting that heart attacks, flu death, and pneumonia deaths are way down because they are labeled as COVID so they can drive the numbers up for their control and fear agenda. Hospitals also get extra money for that diagnosis. Let’s not drag on the inevitable exposure and ruin our economy, freedoms, and cause emotional stress which causes even more illness. There are increased suicides (far more than real Covid deaths), loss of jobs, drug and alcohol abuse due to stress, child abuse, and other physical and emotional stress causing poor health all because of the political decisions about Covid.

There are many types of Covid tests. Some are more sensitive than others. There are very high false positives and false negatives. They are about 50% accurate, so just flip a coin and see what you get. It can change from day to day. Since no one has isolated this particular virus, though some say they have, but with further investigation they have not, then it is impossible to have a test for it. Even the developer of the test said it is not accurate to diagnose Covid. It is simply measuring DNA particles that can come from many types of virus. If they make it sensitive enough, everyone should test positive because it is picking up pieces of coronaviruses which we all have in our bodies. If you have ever had a cold, you have coronavirus DNA particle in your body. The common cold is a corona and may show a positive test. Now the Center for Disease Control (CDC) says doctors can diagnose Covid without a test if certain symptoms are present. The numbers are greatly overinflated. Hospitals in some cases get up to $13,000 for admitting a positive case and up to $39,000 if they are put on a ventilator. If you are one of my patients, I do not want you to get the test because if you are positive, they may come and shut me down if you have recently been in the office, and I am one of only a few doctors that know what to do about this. It will keep me from God’s calling on my life.

There are simply more cases showing positive even without symptoms because there are more test and more diagnosis even without testing. However, the death rate is very low, less than 1% and close to .3%. Even those deaths are often caused by other causes and not the Rona. Doctors are told to put the cause of death as Covid if they tested positive even if it was a car accident that killed them. There is little or no confirmation that the virus killed someone verses the real cause of death. It is all about control and money and scare tactics to set us up for more control and money. Causes of death from the usual flu and pneumonia and heart attacks are way down because they are calling it death by Covid and not what really killed them. Hospitals get more insurance payment that way. In the mean time they are causing fear and emotional stress. If the truth be known, there are much fewer deaths from Covid than most regular flus and pneumonia in recent years. The flare up this fall has been increased by all the pharmacies with signs out front advertising free flu shots. With all the paranoid and uninformed people getting flu shots, whatever is in the current flu shot is causing many flare ups which can easily be called Rona.

92 percent of people put on a ventilator die. Ventilators are for people who cannot breathe on their own. Most Rona patients can breathe on their own. They are just not getting oxygen. The severe ones need to be put on oxygen.  Hospitalized patients with the suspected virus may benefit from a short supervised dose of hydroxychloroquine (prescription) to reduce the cytokine storm (I can explain that in depth if you ask.)  causing the oxygen transport in the lungs to not work and it also helps zinc to work better. The reason patients lose their sense of taste and smell is due to a zinc deficiency. There are many forms of zinc and you should not be taken in high doses for a long period of time. The supplements in my office are enough for maintenance. Zinc is used by the body to fight the infection and that is why some people lose their sense of smell and taste. I can explain that in depth if you ask.  Ivermectin (prescription) may also work if used for a very short time when one is severe.  Pulmicort (prescription) in a nebulizer for five minutes may also be helpful. I can give you a doctor organization to call that will cooperate with you concerning these prescriptions (unlike most local doctors), but they should only be used in severe conditions and within the first five days and usually used for less than a week. Colloidal silver in a nebulizer for twenty minutes several times a day may also help. We have nebulizers and silver in our office. An IV of high dose Vitamin C (I have a special vitamin C that can be taken in higher doses than most on the market and can approach a low IV dose), zinc tablets, and vitamin D may also help. Vitamin D does not stop an infection, but is helpful to prevent. Have your blood levels tested as well as tested with muscle testing to determine dosage. Avoid high doses for a long time if you have no symptoms to prevent nutrient imbalances. I also use living clay with fulvic acid in some water on an empty stomach and couple of times a day to detox the body as well as reduce a herxheimer effect of toxins given off by dying pathogens. There are no antibiotics for any virus, but sometimes doctors may use them for co-infections that develop because the patient is so immune compromised. Do not wait until you get that bad; see your chiropractor to build your health. Remember the nervous system controls all of your functions in the body including the powerful immune system. Chiropractors correct the subluxations causing interference of the mental impulses within the nervous system that control all functions of the body. I am getting fantastic results with chiropractic and homeopathic remedies and have not seen any deaths. See my website in the library section for even more suggestions.

The government “Rona” approach, which seems to be always changing and full of fear and confusion, violates science, common sense, our constitutional freedoms, Christianity, and chiropractic philosophy. Dr Fauci keeps changing his mind, does not see real patients, is a liar, and has many financial conflicts of interest and is making lots of money with this plandemic.


Suggested Reading: “The Price of Panic” by Axe, Briggs, and Richards

Video Series: Vaccines Revealed the Covid Series by Dr Pat Gentempo

Dr Steve Jennings

101 N Austin Ave

Rensselaer, Indiana


7/30/2020 and updated 2/26/2121