A sick/low energy/toxic home or work building can effect health and cause a myriad of symptom. Many homes and buildings are causing health issues in people that doctors may not realize which costs patients thousands of dollars running from doctor to doctor and getting tests that will not find the problem.  Things in your home can cause reoccurring infections, toxic accumulation, and energy depletion. Here are some of the major causes and some solutions:

1. Bad Electromagnetics or EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies): This can be caused by dirty electricity running through your home wire which can be measured with special meters, having Wi-Fi including your neighbor’s, smart devices, microwave ovens, smart electric meters on the outside of the home, many electrical appliances, living near cell towers, 5G, cell phones, or basically anything that is electrical could be the problem. There are meters that can test all of this.  I have tested many devices that address this, but Orgone of Australia is my current best recommendation. Ask me for a discount code. They have a device for the whole building that covers 5 acres around it. They also have something to have on your person, computer, cell phone, and car.

2. Fumes from sinks and drains: Many of these can be odorless. I suggest to occasionally using Clorox bleach meadow fresh version and poor a couple of cups down each drain and sink. You may want to leave for a few hours.

3. House dust: This can include hundreds of things including human and animal germs, mold, hair, skin, house hold products and who knows what that gets into your home. This is especially important if you have pets.  Bring a sample in a zip lock bag and I can test to see how bad it is and desensitize you to it.

4. Carpets: Carpets are nice but much harder to keep clean compared to hardwood floors. This is especially true if you have pets. Even professional cleaning cannot get all of the dirt and germs out. In fact, using steam on a carpet can feed mold.

5. Commercial room deodorizers and out gassing of new furniture, carpets, and other new things can be toxic. I recommend plants that can absorb these things and only natural oil in a diffuser for odors.

6. Molds: This is a huge one. I recommend mold test kits from any hardware store and place several in at least 5 areas: your bedroom, bathroom, living area, and lowest place in your home like a crawl space or basement and attic. If mold in high you must get rid of damp areas like a bathroom, basement, or leaky roof, and then take care of the mold and retest.

7. Water: This includes drinking, cooking, showering, and bathing water. City water is usually the worst. Deep wells are better. Get a reverse osmosis or a Big Berky for drinking and cooking and special shower filters for city water. You can bring your water in for me to test.

8. House hold cleaners and personal products: You can bring these in to test the energy and see if it is good or bad for you.