Vaccinations: The Reality behind the Myth

The message our government and many so-called health experts promote is that everyone, especially babies, needs to be vaccinated in order to be safe and healthy. Many doctors even reassure parents and their patients that there are virtually no risks from vaccinations. The reality is that vaccinations are far from safe and there is a statistically significant level of risk in giving vaccinations to any population group regardless of demographics. Vaccines have been given far too much credit for the decline in infectious diseases, while the adverse events from this practice have been quietly hidden from the public. It seems as if vaccine injuries and deaths have become an acceptable form of collateral in the push for promoting and achieving widespread vaccination quotas. Stephen Hawking, a world renowned scientist and physicist recently warned advances in science and technology, such as nuclear weaponry and genetically engineered viruses (which are found in vaccines) are the biggest threats to our civilization and human survival (Sample). The public deserves to know the reality behind the vaccine promoted myths; this is truly what informed consent means.

The vaccination theory states that once a person has been exposed to and then has fought off an infectious agent like a virus, their immune system will be “immune” to the virus (Stewart 80). When a small amount of a weakened form of disease antigen is injected into the body, the body creates antibodies to attack it. If the person comes into contact with the particular antigen later in life, the immune system already has the antibodies to protect against their body from obtaining the virus again. Vaccines create artificial immunity, which is not lifelong immunity (Wassung 45).

An English physician, Edward Jenner is acknowledged for developing the world’s first vaccine at a time when smallpox was thriving in crowded and unsanitary conditions. He observed that milkmaids who contracted cowpox did not get smallpox. Subsequently, he scratched the pus from an infected milkmaid’s blister and into an eight-year-old boy’s skin.  Eventually, this process was repeated 20 times. The boy was sick his entire life and developed tuberculosis, a common adverse reaction of the vaccine. Jenner’s son was also vaccinated and was afflicted with tuberculosis and died when he was 21 years old. While many praise Jenner and these methods as saving countless lives, along with the eradication of smallpox, some astute historians place more credit on the concept of quarantining individuals, along with improved hygiene and living conditions (Heimer). Apparently the debate over vaccine efficacy and safety has a long history.

The immune system is beautifully created to develop natural immunity. Skin is the first layer of defense encountered when an antigen or foreign agent comes in contact with a human being (Walker 158). The skin has the ability to kick the virus before it even reaches the inside. Nose hairs, ear wax, and mucous also help keep the viruses out. In situations where a virus gets past these barriers, the body’s white blood cells go to work on the inside. The immune system responds with the creation of antibodies to fight off the disease. When the body responds with this natural fight, antibodies are created for robust life-long immunity (Miller, “7 Reasons Schools Should Not Mandate Vaccines”).

For example, a disease like chicken pox is contracted, and once the immune system is engaged and fights it off, one becomes immune to it and that person can no longer be afflicted with chicken pox again. When a vaccine is injected directly into the body, it completely bypasses the body’s natural defense system, the skin, and it creates synthetic or artificial immunity which does not last forever. This is why booster shots have become so prevalent and vaccines highly ineffective as seen in many situations where disease outbreaks occur in population with 90% plus vaccination rates (“Disease Outbreaks Are Concentrated in Highest-vaccinated Population”). Numerous vaccinations can also harm the immune system by using up all of the antibodies so later in life or near retirement age, when one gets sick, they no longer have any antibodies left to fight off disease. Vaccinations have been blamed for the rise in appearance of so many chronic degenerative diseases because the immune system has not been allowed to naturally develop its muscle so it can remain effective throughout one’s life (Wassung 39).

The passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, debunks the often-repeated and uniformed public relations claims that vaccines are safe.  NCVIA acknowledges that vaccine adverse reactions can range from minor to completely debilitating neurological injuries and even death may be “unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and accompanied by proper directions and warnings.” This Act created a taxpayer-financed compensation program for injuries and removed all liability from doctors and the vaccine makers for adverse reactions (Fisher, “The Vaccine Injury…”). In reality, NCVIA was a corporate bailout for the pharmaceutical industry that placed the burden of compensation for vaccine injury and death on the public, rather than the industry itself. Since 1989, the United States government has collected $0.75 excise tax on every vaccine and has paid out over $3 billion to vaccine-injured Americans. This injury figure could be much higher due to the fact that many adverse reactions are never reported. Information from the Centers of Disease Control states that approximately 40% of healthcare providers had identified at least one adverse event after immunization, but only 19% stated that they had ever reported it (Miller et all).

The number of vaccine injures that have occurred and continue year after year is simply unacceptable in our present age of scientific investigation and discovery. Evidence-based protocols are the current rage in healthcare today and yet the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical industry and big government all fail to acknowledge the volumes of research that simply don’t agree with their propaganda “Vaccines are safe” push. The vaccine industry’s self-sponsored conflict of interest studies on efficacy and safety have been shown to be unreliable and invalid based on real world results. Double blinded, randomized controlled trails (RCT), which are often referred to the gold standard model of research in establishing evidence-based medical protocols simply do not exist in the vaccine discussion.

Numerous evidence based studies clearly demonstrate that vaccines have been given too much credit in the decline of infectious diseases and too little recognition to the advent of refrigeration, running water, filtration systems, good nutrition and hygiene practices (Matt). The number of cases of measles, polio, and pertussis to name just a few, had already been plummeting for a few decades before their respective vaccines were developed. Even for diseases like typhoid and scarlet fever, for which there were no vaccines, the decline occurred at similar rates (Perkins). Mark Twain may have said it best when he stated, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”

Deception and greed appear to be rampant in the vaccine industry because of the quest for the almighty dollar. Vaccination is big business!  Revenue from vaccines in 2013 was $30 billion (Wood), with a projected income of $100 billion in 2025 (Pistilli). In order to meet this goal, increased sales need to occur at an annual rate of 12.63%, which helps explain why the pharmaceutical industry spends $50 billion annually on global marketing (“Pharmaceutical Companies…”). Furthermore, a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that nearly four out of ten clinical trials conducted were based on false information and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deliberately ignored the fraud to protect the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries from investigation and scrutiny (Huff). Being an opportunistic capitalist is not a crime, but when the companies use fraud, fear, misrepresentation and manipulation of data at the expense of children, it should get our attention.

The mainstream media seems to be a complicit partner in promoting the deception so prevalent throughout the pharmaceutical and vaccine industry. The media claims to report honest and unbiased information and yet there was a total nationwide blackout on the news of the CDC whistleblower admitting vaccines are linked to autism. This criminal cover-up dated back more than twelve years and was one of the most censored medical news stories of 2014. It is astonishing that it was not reported and that Merck virologists filed a False Claims Act with the U.S. government, outlining clinical scientific fraud that was used to fake its vaccine results to trick the FDA. If that was somehow missed, it must be purely coincidently then that they also failed to report how a top CDC scientist openly confessed to the CDC that he committed fraud by selectively omitting clinical trial data after the fact in order to obscure an existing link between vaccines and autism (Adams).

His exact statement, published on the website of his legal counsel: “My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed (Morgan).”

Regrettably, most people do not even know what are in vaccines. If more people actually knew the make-up of these chemical cocktails, as well as their limited scrutiny under scientific investigation, they may actually begin to question the risk of injecting such potentially toxic substances into the bloodstream in the name of health (“Ingredients for Vaccines- Fact Sheet”).  For those who have actually studied the research, well beyond accepting the standard mainstream media slogan that vaccines save lives and therefore must be good, they are the ones who can truly make an informed decision about whether to vaccinate or not. Why is it that everyone knows that lead in our drinking water is not a good thing, while the presence of toxic chemicals like aluminum and mercury in vaccinations goes mostly unnoticed?

Interestingly and yet not surprisingly, informed nurses and medical doctors across the country are mobilizing and speaking out against mandatory vaccinations. Several nurses have lost their jobs for refusing shots due to having concerns about vaccine safety. Just recently in 2013, the firing of eight Goshen Hospital employees, including a nurse for 22 years, made the national news, for their refusal of receiving the flu shot (Grenoble). The basis of the decision was public and patient safety. To understand how absurd this actually was, one only has to look at the flu vaccine package insert. It says, “…there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.” Additionally, it also states, “Safety and effectiveness of FLUAVAL in pediatric patients have not been established,” as well as “FLUAVAL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.” Simply put, there is no science behind the flu shot scam and blind obedience is the basis of why 46% of the U.S. population receives this shot according to CDC estimates. Unfortunately, the use of pseudoscience is not limited to just the flu shot, but is seen throughout the vaccine industry (Heimer).

Instead of focusing on safety and efficacy, a common practice in mainstream vaccine research is to hone in on measuring the increase in antibodies in response to the foreign substance or antigen present in the vaccine. The vaccine is considered safe and effective if the body produces antibodies. If the body cannot produce the appropriate antibodies, the outcome of using vaccination would be very limited. Simply put, antibody production is the main premise of vaccination and its determined success. Interestingly, the two most heavily vaccinated populations, infants and geriatrics, have limited abilities to generate antibodies. If antibodies cannot be produced, what is the point of massively injecting a chemical concoction to stimulate a reaction? Why are babies given vaccines to produce antibodies when they do not produce antibodies until after the age of 3 to 6 months (Wassung)? Even if the vaccine theory was 100% valid, it does not make much sense to inject a baby six months or less with a vaccine.  Furthermore, these antigen-antibody studies are rarely done on individuals younger than four years old. How can this be deemed safe and effective for a baby if it is never tested on a baby?

However, the practicality of this fact of human development is ignored by many supposedly intelligent people. “Today in the United States, children receive one vaccine at birth, eight vaccines at two months, eight vaccines at four months, nine vaccines at six months, and twelve additional vaccines between 12 and18 months. The pure and innocent baby is overdosed with 38 vaccine-drugs by the time he or she is 1½ years old!” (Miller, “Vaccine Safety Tricks and Tips”). At this point a baby’s immune system is not fully developed and gets overwhelmed and overloaded. It might be considered the equivalent of taking a drink out of a fire hydrant as it is not strong enough to fight the vaccines. As a result, auto immune diseases and neurological system errors are becoming more and more common.

The unvaccinated population is being blamed for the spread of diseases unnecessarily. The fact is that every person injected with the MMR and other attenuated live virus vaccines develops a vaccine version of the disease, sheds viruses, and can infect others for up one to four weeks (Fisher, “Can People Receiving…”). Maybe it is time to quarantine recently vaccinated individuals and give them some of the credit too.

Admittedly, government officials that are charged with making health care decisions for the United States either are ignorant of the facts or highly misinformed. For example, when asked to comment of the safety and efficacy of vaccination, Dr. Boyle from the Centers of Disease Control admitted during a Congressional hearing in 2012 that there have been no long-term controlled studies ever performed on any vaccine in any time period in any country because “We have not studied vaccinated versus unvaccinated” (England). However, studies conducted in Germany, New Zealand and Hong Kong have shown that unvaccinated children are two to five times healthier than vaccinated children. Besides fewer visits to the doctor, the prevalence of disorders such as, but not limited to allergies, asthma, hay fever, eczema, epilepsy and hyperactivity was significantly less between the two peer groups (Miller, “Vaccine Safety Tricks and Tips”). The most data collected by the CDC that may be comparable is contained in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, but unfortunately, it is estimated that it is representative of only three to five percent of reportable incidents that include such things as developmental delay, attention deficit disorder, speech and language delay, all neuro and brain developmental problems (Matt).

It seems as we have entrusted the safety of millions of children to the oversight of a group of people whose sole focus is making billion dollar profits. Corporate financial interests and personal agendas seem to dominate the vaccine market to no end and far too numerous to review completely in the scope of a paper such as this. Even Former Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine stated, “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful (Relman).”

What is without debate, is that the United States spends more money than any other country in the world on so-called health care and has the highest vaccination rate compared to other developed nations. If these statistics were really that important, we would not rank near the very bottom when it comes to being healthy, along with having the highest rates of infant deaths/SIDS in the western world (Davis). It is obvious that our approach in the U.S. to health is not working. The U.S. model is based on disease care and not health care. It is time to focus on the true preventive healthcare instead of the disease care. The U.S. approach to so called health care has proven at a minimum that it is extremely costly, ineffective and full of deception and corruption. We should not be afraid to follow the science wherever the conclusions may lead and have the courage to be a voice of reason in the name of health and humanity’s survival.

Works Cited

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